Friday 16 September 2011

Sensory Bottles!

For my fellow Early Childhood Educators this is perhaps the oldest idea in the book! I love it though, because it offers a wide range of learning opportunities and costs next to nothing to make. The bottles can teach
Math: measurement, heavy vs. light, full vs. empty and you can also have various items in the bottles for counting.
Literacy: you can place letters inside or various objects and talk about them. This is a great way to open up conversation and encourages your child to use their language skills.
Social-Emotional: Have your child help you make the bottles. My toddler loves to squeeze the “tolours” (his word for food colouring) inside the bottles. Little fingers can also drop items inside the bottle. Children love to be helpful and you teach them that they are capable of doing things all by themselves. Allowing them to make their own decisions instills self confidence too.
Fine and Gross Motor: If they help make the bottles they are using pincer grasp for grabbing little items. Simply carrying these around is a work-out for a little body. Also rolling and shaking provide a great opportunity for moving muscles.
It’s also amazing to see how the bottles can be used in different ways. J loves to roll them across the floor and of course sucks on them. M will put them in his trucks or carry them around the house from table to table. Right now he is interested in colours so we have a variety of different coloured bottles. He will match them with colour palates and also likes to discuss the different colours. I am a big believer in play-based learning; I think it is important to provide an environment that stimulates creativity and curiosity. A child learns and develops their imagination from being allowed to explore play in a variety of different ways.
If you have a little time and a few dollars these are so easy to make. Here is how.

What you need:

Empty water bottles (any size works)
Food colouring
Various items to go in the bottle (the possibilities are endless. Dollar Store is the best place to find fun little items.)
Super glue or hot glue gun (this is to secure the lids so little hands don’t open the bottles)

Place all items into the bottle. Fill with water. Glue around lid. Twist lid on.

Such a simple activity that offers so much learning opportunity and of course, my favourite…done on a budget!! 

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