Sunday 25 September 2011

Mixing Colours

This is a fun activity that can get a little messy at times. M loves it and asks for it every day! Mixing colours offers a wide range of learning opportunities. It promotes experimentation which can teach a child colours, cause and effect, and also the ability to make decisions based on which colour to add to get a certain result. This happens by letting them explore; you don't actually "teach" it to them. When we facilitate for children they will naturally learn through their play. I found this idea on another blog called Play At Home Moms. It’s inspiring to see what children are capable of when we look more closely at their abilities.  
Pouring takes lots of concentration and hand-eye-coordination. This was the first day we did this activity. We had some spills but by the third time M learned to pour more slowly and carefully. He also didn’t mind cleaning up the spills!
All I purchased for this activity was the food colouring and contact paper from the dollar store. I made the white placemat by taping two pieces of white paper together and then covering it with the contact paper. It works great and helps keep things a little dryer. All the rest was just stuff I had around the house. It's affordable and brillant in my opinion.

Clear containers, water, food colouring, eye dropper,
white placemat

The investigation!

Mixing colours using the pincer grasp to squeeze
the eye dropper.


M uses his self -help skills to clean up the spill.

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