Tuesday 27 September 2011


Baby + Box = Priceless (literally)
Playing peek-a-boo plus climbing into the "cave"

The "truck" box

Hanging out in style!

J loved being pushed around in his box

Brothers playing together in the comfort of their box!
Parking lot painted by mommy but was M's idea

We all can attest to spending lots of cash on big ticket items for our children and  they seem more fascinated by the box (at least when they are babies and toddlers). Like others who use disposable diapers we have boxes and lots of them. If you don't buy diaper boxes just visit the grocery store and pack your food in a box. Before I had kids I have to say I never saw the value in a box, but now the opportunities are limitless. We have made cars, blocks, caves, parking lots, trains, tunnels, bridges and a play place for baby all with diaper boxes.  We’ve played peek-a-boo games and used them for jumping in and out of. We’ve used pieces of them for art materials and for platforms for block towers.

I know that I stress the simplicity of providing learning opportunities with things around the house or that can be purchased for very little money, but I truly believe that when we look deeper and harder at the potential of everyday items we begin to think more like a child and realize what a world of wonder they live in. I believe that when we allow ourselves to be free for a little while from our adult lives we begin to relax, enjoy life and see the immense joy children can bring to us. Children give us permission to play; they release us from the burden of our adult responsibilities even if it’s just for a moment. My children motivate and inspire me every day and even something as simple as playing with a box has the potential to encourage curiosity and creativity!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I'm doing a round-up of DIY projects to do with a diaper box on Disney Baby and wondered if I could include yours. I'd use on photo with credit and link back to your full post. Is that okay?

