Wednesday 21 September 2011

Magnet Boards

Yes, these are cookie sheets that you would usually bake with. We turned them into magnet boards! We also made all the magnets from popsicle sticks, lids, rocks, and small pieces of tree trunks. We purchased the circular colourful magnets.
M likes it and had a blast helping to make it. He also enjoyed picking the items that would be his magnets. However, he was more interested in using the popsicle sticks to make roads for his trucks and cars.
This stimulates so much imagination. There are no concrete images so your child can be creative with their thoughts as to what they would like to design. It is also a great cause-and-effect activity because magnets only stick to certain surfaces.
When we allow our children to create, dream and imagine we are paving the way for them to be thinkers, problem solvers and leaders in their adult lives.
This is a great activity that is very open-ended and allows for freedom to explore.
It cost a total of $11.43. Done thrifty as always!

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