Monday 20 February 2012

Homemade Kitchen

This is a work in progress and I plan to add more as we (the boys and I) brainstorm more ideas. Right now M loves to pretend play “Your house and my house” as he calls it. This game consists of making all kinds of food, which he delivers and serves you at "your house". It is also complimented by costumes, which are usually a hat, scarf and sunglasses.  I thought it was time to create a space that the boys could pretend in. Baby J loves to help in the kitchen so I thought he would also love this idea.

Again, it is a work in progress and, as with all play areas, it is likely to evolve.

Toy shelf turned stove top. 
Here is J tapping the lime with his spoon (lol).
Just making supper, I guess!
Who loves limes?

More supper. Mmm!
 Just sticks, stones, lemons and limes!
I believe that this encourages imagination and helps develop creative thinking. It is so easy to provide a rich learning environment without breaking your bank. I love including our children in all aspects of life and connecting them to each experience through play.

All the items were already in our home.

Here is how:
  • I had a low wooden shelf that we used for toys and placed baskets on the shelves. Inside the baskets are jugs, containers, cups, plates, spoons, a colander and yogurt containers with lids.
  • I cut spirals of black construction paper and circles of tin foil. I placed the tin foil and the spirals on top of each other then used contact paper to hold them in place.
  • The black and white canvases on the wall are from Dollarama - $2 each.
  • I used a pasta sauce jar as a centre piece vase and placed pinecones and a pine tree branch inside for a natural homey touch.
  • Lemons and limes in clear container
  • Glass stones (Dollarama) on black tray.
  • Sticks from our backyard, which M collected himself.

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