Sunday 19 February 2012

Crayon Explosion

I asked M if he wanted to do an experiment with Crayons. He responded “Yes, my am!”

Here is the story:

Sorting the colours.

Plugging his ears from the sound of the hairdryer.

Too curious to let the loud noise bother him for long.

I did help as his attention drifted,
however he watched in fascination as the colours melted and blended.

We hung it in our playroom after it was finished.
M: "It's wonderful!"

This was such a neat and easy experiment to do with my toddler. Plus, it is a great piece of art to hang on the wall. I found the idea on pinterest! All the materials were purchased at Dollarama.

All you need:
Two packs of crayons
Large canvas
Hot glue gun to glue the crayons in place
Total Cost: $5.00

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