Thursday 6 October 2011

Squishy Spaghetti Squash

"in"and "out" of the bowl

M was sure the innards needed to be cooked in a mini muffin pan
He loved squishing them into the molds.

Skin up!
This was news to me as I would have cooked it the wrong way.
 Don't forget to poke holes in the skin before you bake it.

Tis the season... for butternut squash, acorn squash, spaghetti squash and pumpkin. These vegetables are not only tasty but can provide a fun sensory experience for your young child. There are many options for how the activity can go. You can talk about the changing seasons, the value of food and the importance of eating what you use. M wanted to help clean out the squash and also helped to prepare it for baking. He had a wonderful time squishing the seeds and innards in his hands and also had his own ideas about what to cook and how to cook it. This can encourage wonderful conversations. M liked talking about how he put the seeds “in” the bowl and “out” of the bowl. When I explained that we can cook and eat it he was sure you should cook the innards. However, when I explained that we would cook the “meat” of the squash he knew better than I did which way to face the squash on the baking sheet.

Your child will have a great time helping you in the kitchen. Their self-confidence will grow and you will create great family memories.

Squash is in season and is very affordable to buy right now.  

Happy squash squishing!!

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