Thursday 27 October 2011

Dumping and Pouring

It is so developmentally appropriate for toddlers to dump and pour. It does mean our houses are a bit of a toy war zone but the brain connections your toddler is making far outweigh the mess.  There are ways, however, to provide this opportunity for them more often. It can also be a special activity that they will enjoy and ask for over and over. We have used lentils and dry chick peas with various sized containers and scooping utensils. I place everything on a low table inside a tray to prevent spills from hitting the floor; it helps but there are still spills, of course. I just give M a small broom and dust pan and he is more than willing to help clean up the spills.

Here are some ideas for dumping and pouring activities:  
  • Regular household utensils and containers work well for the activities
  • Apple sauce containers are great for scooping and pouring
  • Cups, funnels and colanders are great in the bath tub or with any other activity
  • Tray and/or containers
  • Ice cube trays

Here are some items that work well for pouring and dumping:
Dry beans
Cotton balls
Dry pasta
Pine cones
Dry chick peas
Corn meal

I have to admit when I do this with M it is very relaxing and soothing. I can see why he enjoys it so much. It’s a stage that does not last forever but I want him to have lots of choices and opportunities while it lasts.   

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