Monday 23 January 2012


“Play relieves feelings of stress and boredom, connects us to people in a positive way, stimulates creative thinking and exploration, regulates our emotions, and boosts our ego.”
(Landreth, 2002)

As an adult it is easy to let all our responsibilities pile onto our shoulders. I find this to be truer now that I have children.  I can’t just think of myself - I have precious little lives to guide and care for. Children are wonderful gifts and they have a lovely way of reminding us what is important. They remind us to slow down, to be in the moment and to play.  This is a lesson I am learning each day. It’s hard to be child-like but when I do our relationship strengthens and I learn more about my children and myself. Let your children guide playtime for a change; you may be surprised where you end up. I bet it will free you for a short while from your burden of responsibilities. Plus, you are creating lasting memories you and your child will remember for a lifetime.

“Birds Fly. Fish Swim. Children Play.”
–Gary Landreth

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